Holding Company in Dubai
Last updated on August 1, 2022

Majority of business owners now a day searching for the top opportunities; which they can discover to launch their business. During last few years, Dubai has been changing its workings from oil based economy to economy based on service. And as a result you will find a lot of new setup coming up to UAE in a hurry. Establishing a holding company in Dubai is useful step. UAE has its own law about holding company in Dubai. So you need to know that how you can initiate a holding company Dubai. That is without any inconvenience and any legal problems in Dubai.
The Holding Company Dubai as a term use for any company or firm which owns the stock of other companies. A very simple purpose of a holding company Dubai is to own the shares of other companies.
A holding company in Dubai itself did not provide services nor any product nor it involve in any trading. This rule is not only applying to Dubai Holding Company but to any company in any part of a world.
The leading function of a Dubai holding company is that it decrease the risk of owners. And it allows ownership as well as control of other companies.
The Concept of holding Company in Dubai
If you are new to Dubai market. Then it is important that you know about the concept of Share holding in Dubai. The concept is a very clear under the Commercial Companies rules and regulation of the UAE. Also recognize as the Companies Law where each company is a shareholding company. In which UAE national will hold 51% of share. Whereas foreign party are only allow to 49% ownership in companies in the UAE. If you are not happy with the share distribution concept in Dubai. Then you can prefer your business in one of the Dubai Free Zone. Free zones permit 100% ownership to the expat and 100% tax free profit.
General functions of the holding company in Dubai
The director as well as manager of a holding company in Dubai; is held responsible for making as well as directing the Holding Company subsidiaries policies. He or she can delegate his job to other person or can perform directly.
Dubai holding company controls the operation of subsidiaries through below mention functions:
- It sets complete as well as risk-based restrictions where possible experience to sure risks; as those related with foreign currency, industries, market and countries is concern. In relation to it, the holding company certifies credit spotlights over clearly limits detailed.
- It gives approval to all relevant policies as well as strategies of the business; which include proposals of investment, agreements or contracts and even the hiring of staff.
- It positions one of its boards of director of each contributory. For clearness here, the assign director is frequently the same person task by the holding company; with the overall management of its group of subsidiaries at the rank of a CEO.
Financial function for this type of company in Dubai
- The manager as well as directors of Dubai holding company should ensure that such troubles will not take place.
- The board of this type of a company will approve the budget of the company; before the starting of a new fiscal year. The approval should be made on the base of cash flow expectations.
- Each subsidiary will have policy of dividend that guarantee rational returns. The directors as well as the manager of the holding firm in Dubai must insure that this is achieve on time.
- Additional, they should make sure that returns as well as risks of Dubai holding company; are balance through a standard scheme of financial planning.
- Taking the numerous entity concepts into account; we will come to know that the holding company Dubai is a store of wealth.
- The composition goes in such way that the owner of the small business can form a holding company.
- As the word so suggests, the arm which are using for operating is the individual; in that operations of business take place and where risks also take place.
- Quite a lot of companies might operate under a single holding company Dubai. Nevertheless, it must be sure that the companies operating along with their particular activities are kept apart from each other.
- The achievement of this type of a company is always guarantying; granting that the entity is pre arrange perfectly.
- Two reasons might be cited in this regard: First that maximized wealth inside the company. Second one is the resources are minimize with the company assuming each and every risk.
Selecting the Right Location
It is also vital for a company to find the right site in Dubai; which allows the firm to catch the right customers as well as consumers quickly to enhance the sales of business. There for research is important to make sure that you purchase the right place; or rent it according to your business plans.
Formal Requirement
There are no official requirements for formation of holding company license UAE; but it is a wise thing to write an agreements; that is to protect your business when you face legal problems. The written agreements are like a contract between the stakeholders. The main purpose of this is to protect your interest.
Minimum Investment
If you are keen to form a share holding company; you have to ensure that you have the capital so that to meet their minimum needs. You will require at least AED 10 million (US$ 2.7 million) to setup a public share holding company in Dubai. On the other hand, if you are looking for a private share holding; then you need Dhm 2 million (US$ 0.5 million); as well as free zone companies it’s starts from USD 14,000; but it also varies on the free zone as well as activity you choose.
formation of holding company in UAE
The process of setting up of a holding company in UAE; is the same as the set up of all other type of company. You can register the below forms as a holding company:
- The joint stock companies
- The limited liability companies
- The free zone companies
Vary on the structure, the holding company can nominate at least one director or a board of directors. In case of share stock company setup as a holding company; the minimum share capital will be 10 million.
An expat investors can register partnerships as holding company in Dubai. In order to register the company, one should sketch up the MOA. And file them collectively copies after their credentials documents with the DED of Dubai. Note that a UAE legal representative is requires in order to register the holding company in UAE.