Jebel Ali Free Zone
Last updated on December 9, 2018
Jebel Ali Free Zone Project was start in 1985; as a part of the vision of His Highness Sheikh Rashid Bin Saeed Al Maktoum; after that it took decade to get mature; and also business platform that is ready for today. Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority has start their operation; with 19 companies and develop itself in very fast and a strong way. Today Jebel Ali Free Zone reach to over 8,000 companies; and still try to expand. In the past 10 years; Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority has reached fourfold growth in its number of customers.
Today, Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority is a very self motive base for a lot of companies; that is from all over the world. That is more then 100 countries; filling over 135,000 jobs and fascinating more than 20% of the UAE’s foreign direct investment. Also it is holding 50% of Dubai’s total exports; with a remarkable value for trade of $69 billion.
Jebel Ali free zone

Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority regular progress can be attributed to our idealistic initiatives. Technologically, we can say that online communication is the vital part of the business. Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority introduce his own online communication system in early 1988.
In 2007 Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority lunch the major CRM system in the region. It is handling near up to a million transactions in an year; that is containing visas, licenses, leases, and also other service.
This drive for brilliance was first pleased in 1996; when Jebel Ali Free Zone became the first free zone to get ISO certification. So keep the pace with this success; Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority has got the Dubai (DGEP) Government Excellence Program in 2004; and also the Dubai Quality Award in (2005 and 2010).
Jebel Ali free zone company formation types
A Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority offers you one of the best support. That you need to practice your business; along with a wide range of choices; that is giving you the choice to choose the best track for your individual requirements. In order to form a business within Jebel Ali Free Zone; so an investor will select one of the following types:
- Free Zone Company (FZCo).
- Free Zone Establishment (FZE)
- Branch; for existing company who wish to set up a base in Jebel Ali Free Zone.
Once you have select your business type; then it is an easy ways to define your activity; and that is the license you will require. Whether you need a Trading, Service or also Industrial license; Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority create the process tension free and cost effective.
Jebel Ali free zone company (FZCO)
FZCo is a type of company, where more then one owner are allows to form a business; that is Minimum of 2 and maximum of 5 owners are allowed in FZCo. Owners can be individual person or it can be a company. This kind of a company in the free zone form as a LLP.
Jebel Ali free zone establishment (FZE)
FZE is a type of company; where only one single owner are allows to form a business. Shareholder can be an individual person, or it can be a corporate (company). A free zone establishment is basically a LLP within the Free Zone.
Jebel Ali free zone branch of a Company
A branch is a legal object of its parent company. That is A company form outside of the Jebel Ali Free Zone Authority; may also start a branch within Jebel Ali Free Zone.
Advantages of Jafza free zone company formation
JAFZA offers many incentives to make doing business with us easy and profitable.
- Get 100% of foreign ownership; that is the ability to operate your business as a wholly own entity; without any need for local sponsor.
- At this point let me tell you one more benefit; that why client is very keen for jafza free zone. Or you can say one more strong point which you need to keep in mind. And I think it is the most key point for jafza free zone. That is 0% of corporate tax for a period of 50 years.
- 0% of import or export tax.
- It has an onsite Customs.
- 0% income tax on a profit gain; is also one of the best point of Jafza free zone.
- It has no currency restrictions
- It has no restriction on repatriation of a capital; as well as on Income.
- No restriction on hiring foreign employees
- A company set up in a Free Zone; which has built its own facility; may mortgage its premises to any bank or also to financing company; for any of their high or what ever debts.
- Access to a rich energy; which make it a very cost-effective and very easy for clients to conduct production.
Jafza Free Zone Company license types
The type of a business license you need to run a company in Jebel Ali Free Zone; it does depend on the type of an activity; which your business are plans to perform in its business park; or in a free trade zone. There are 3 main type of a business license in Jafza free zone:
- Jafza free zone Service License
- Jafza free zone Trading License
- Industrial License for Jafza Ali free zone
Jafza free zone Service License
A Jafza free zone allow the owner of a service license; to carry on with the services specified on the license. This kind of license allow services; Such as a logistics services, a freight forwarding services, and also it allow an aviation services etc. Service license is use for a professional service.
Jafza free zone Trading License
A Jafza free zone allows the owner of the Trading License to import, export; and trade and also store items specified on the trad license. In addition, let me tell you thing more; that is, there is a General Trading License; that is which allows the holder of the license to access a wide range of activities; and also a broader range of items on the license. Normally, a General Trading License is more expensive then that of a sample trading license.
Jafza free zone Industrial License
A Jafza free zone Industrial License allows the holder to import raw materials; and also carry out of the manufacturing of specified products; and also export of the finished product. In addition, there is also a National Industrial License; that is issue to manufacturing companies with at least 51% of share to UAE sponsor. This is the kind of license which allows the owner; to have the same status as a UAE local; or A GCC in the UAE. NIL is otherwise reserve for unit operating from the mainland of UAE.