Offshore Company Formation Dubai
Last updated on March 4, 2017

Offshore Company Formation means a company that is setup in a jurisdiction outside of its own jurisdiction. For offshore company the term a non-resident company is also use. As a matter of fact the offshore company formation in Dubai is a simple process. So, all you need; in the first place is just to reach out to an agent; they will not only guide you on structure, but also on the process of offshore company formation in Dubai. UAE has four offshore (IBC) jurisdictions. That is, Ajman, JAFZA, RAKIC and RAKIA. Only a register agent can set up an offshore company in Dubai; as well as Offshore company in UAE.
Why setup an offshore company?
This is the right time for me to tell you one more thing; or let’s just say one more key point. But you need to keep with this in mind. That there are a number of reasons for an off shore setup. I think this is the key point for all of the off shore set up clients; and also I think it will work to see the whole process of the off shore set up; and show the entire thing in clear way. There are a number of reasons in case to set up offshore company in Dubai. Following are the most common reason to set up an off shore company.
- It is not only use for to invoice the clients; but also use to hold share; as well as conduct a business.
- Not only to keep a corporate bank account. But also a multi currency bank account.
- At this point let me tell you one more reason; that why client is very keen for off shore setup. Or you can say one more strong point which you need to keep in mind. And I think it is the most key point for offshore company setup. That is it has a high level of privacy protection.
- One more good reason for an off shore setup; that is anonymity and as well as asset protection.
- There is one more good reason for an off shore; that is Offshore company setup is also use to put up a holding structure.
- Offshore can act as an intermediary in any trade for your Company; that is with a foreign Companies
- One more good reason for an off shore setup; that is no office space requires.
Characteristics of Dubai offshore company
We have discuss off shore a lot. This is now the time for me to tell you one more thing; or let’s just say one more key point. But you need to keep with this in mind. That there are a number of characters for an off shore. I think this is the key point for all of the off shore set up clients; and also I think it will work to see the whole process of the off shore set up; and show the entire thing in clear light. Following are the main characteristics of Dubai offshore company.
- Dubai offshore company minimize tax.
- Offshore company provide high confidentiality
- Dubai offshore company reduce administration
- Asset protection through Dubai offshore company
- Offshore company has lower set up and maintenance costs
- Low capital requires for Dubai offshore company
Dubai offshore company minimize tax
Dubai offshore company can legally minimize the tax. Thus, low tax factor is always standing as the main reason for Dubai offshore. Non-resident companies are free from tax. That is enjoying low rate of tax. In the light of we can say that dubai offshore has 0% income tax; as well as 0% custom tax; and also personal tax.
Offshore company provide high confidentiality
Dubai offshore companies give a high level of confidentiality. Because, financial info; as well as the details of directors and shareholders are not publish publicly. Authority of Dubai offshore company does not disclose any information to any third party.
Dubai offshore company reduce administration
The work of any directors of an offshore company are often very less. Because the need of accounting, other staff and physical office is not requires. Thus, it save time and money.
Asset protection through Dubai offshore company
Dubai offshore company is a best tool for asset protection. Investors who run an international business. For those, Dubai offshore company is a very valuable to hold assets such as intellectual property or real estate investments.
Offshore company has lower set up and maintenance costs
The process of offshore company formation in dubai is relatively fast and simple. This can translate into lower costs in both the establishment and maintenance of an offshore company.
Low capital requires for Dubai offshore company
To set up a dubai offshore company is require minimal capital. Usually, less than what is requires for an onshore company to setup. In some place there is in fact, no capital requires for a Dubai offshore company formation.
Offshore company in dubai is not a complex job. that is it provide many benefits for individuals; as well as companies involved in international business.
Advantages of Offshore Company formation in Dubai
Till this point we explain a lot of thing about off shore set up. That is, what is an off shore setup; what are the benefits of an off shore setup; why we need to set up off shore in a free trade zone. Now it is time to say some thing about the benefits of an offshore.
- Dubai offshore company Setup require No accountant costs
- At this point let me tell you one more benefit; that why client is very keen for off shore setup. Or you can say one more strong point which you need to keep in mind. And I think it is the most key point for offshore company setup. That is, it is a 100% tax free; that is 0% customs tax; as well as 100% duty free.
- Full repatriation of profits and as well as investments.
- Anonymity and also a full privacy; is also one of the main key benefit of an off shore.
- Dubai offshore is best suitable for any kind of international business.
- Through Dubai offshore company set up you can protect your Asset.
- Offshore company allows to invoice your international clients from UAE,
- You can move your shipments by switching the B/L on the name of offshore company.
- Through Dubai offshore company you can open a Corporate Bank Account in UAE.
- Offshore company Dubai can act as an intermediary; that is in any trade of your company with foreign Companies.
- Dubai offshore company can Borrow funds from foreign companies as well as from Dubai Company.
- Offshore company setup Dubai is an LLC company.
- Dubai offshore company formation requires no account, no report, no filing, as well as no audit.
- Offshore company setup Dubai can use UAE or International bank account.
Note About Offshore Company Formation Dubai:-
- Dubai Offshore company formation offers virtual office only in JAFZA, RAK, Ajman or in RAKIA.
- Offshore company formation in Dubai allows only international trading; that is no sale in UAE, but it allow to open bank account in UAE.
- Offshore company setup dubai does not allow any UAE residence visa.
- Dubai offshore company allows to hold property; as well as shares in other free zone and main land companies in UAE.
What does an offshore company formation mean?
Till this point we explain a lot of thing about off shore. That is, what is an off shore setup; what are the benefits of an off shore setup; why we need to set up off shore in a free trade zone. Now it is time to say some thing about the offshore itself. Offshore company formation means form a non resident company; or setup a company that conduct a zero volume of business within their incorporated jurisdiction.
Which jurisdiction should be better for my offshore company formation?
The selection of a jurisdiction for offshore company formation in dubai is depending on the following factors.
- trustworthy means of communication;
- political and economic stability of the country;
- blameless and worthy reputation;
- well stable implemented corporate laws;
What are the jurisdiction for offshore company formation in UAE ?
There are four jurisdiction for offshore company formation in UAE. (JAFZA, RAK, Ajman or in RAKIA)
What are the jurisdiction for offshore company formation in Dubai ?
There are only one jurisdiction for offshore company formation in Dubai. (JAFZA)
Can a person be a Shareholder in more than one Offshore company in Dubai?
Yes. A person can be a Share holder in multiple offshore companies in Dubai. Even an offshore company can be a shareholder in other dubai offshore company.
Through an offshore company formation Dubai a person can obtain visa and rent an office?
The answer is No. Because an offshore company Dubai the share holders can not hold any residency visa and can not open an office.
Can I choose a name for my Dubai offshore company?
Yes, you can choose a name for your offshore company formation in Dubai. In Offshore company formation form you can choose three names with (Limited or Incorporated) suffix. The Offshore jurisdiction authority will check the availability. If the name is available then you will get that name otherwise you will select another name.
In offshore company Dubai can I be a share holder and director at the same time?
The answer is Yes. In Dubai offshore company a single individual can acts as share holder, director and secretary of the company.
Can I protect assets through Dubai Offshore Company?
Yes, the biggest advantage of Dubai Offshore company formation is to protect your assets. The UAE Law allow you to open an offshore bank account to protect your assets.
Do I need to visit UAE for my offshore company formation in Dubai?
For offshore company setup in Dubai, if the client cannot come to UAE, we would require the following notarized documents. So, after receiving these documents we will start the process of offshore company formation in dubai.
- Passport copy of all shareholders.
- Application Documents. (including MOA, Agent Appointment letter, Declaration Letter, Consent Letter to act as director and Secretary of the company)
Do I have to pay an annual fee for renewal of my Dubai offshore company?
Yes there is annual fee for renewal of an offshore company in Dubai.
Can I own a property through an Dubai offshore company?
Yes, through offshore company in Dubai you can own property in free hold area of Dubai. But Dubai offshore company are not allow to own property in Dubai commercial area. Moreover, Dubai Property Registrar only allows dubai offshore Company to register property in Dubai in free hold area.
What is the difference between Free zone and offshore company in Dubai?
A free trade zone company is local UAE one. While, offshore company is not a UAE local company. Both free zone and offshore company Dubai allows 100% foreign owner ship. At the same time, both type of company is allow to open a corporate bank account.
This is the right time for me to tell you one more thing; or let’s just say one more key point. But you need to keep with this in mind. That is off shore has some extra advantages over a free trade zone company; that is some of them are the following.
- Set up process of Dubai Offshore is a much faster than free trade zone.
- Dubai offshore company required small paper work than a free trade zone.
- Offshore company Dubai is more confidential; that is than a free trade zone.
- In offshore company formation in Dubai transfer of share is much easier; that is than a free trade zone.
- Offshore company Dubai has low set up cost as compare to a free trade zone.
- For Off shore set up the presence of the owner is not require; that is in front of authority unlike free trade zone.
What is a nominee shareholder in offshore company formation in Dubai?
Till this point we explain a lot of thing about off shore set up. That is, what is an off shore; what are the benefits of an off shore setup; why we need to set up off shore in a free trade zone. Now it is time to say some thing about the nominee shareholder. A nominee shareholder is a person or entity act as a share holder in place of Actual shareholder. The Actual owner may choose to appoint a nominee, which allows them to remain anonymous in Dubai offshore company.
What is a nominee director in Dubai offshore company?
A nominee director is a third party; that is who act as a director for an offshore in place of original director. That is a nominee is use to; in order to hide the real owner. And use a third party in place of real owner or manager; So that they can remain anonymous in the offshore company.
Offshore company setup agents can provide help in set up of the off shore; in the same time they can provide nominee director as well. It is either an individual or legal firm. Some offshore authority does not allow corporate entity to use as a director for off shore. It is common to use the nominee director in conjunction with a nominee shareholder. So, in this way the client does not appear either as owner or as manager.
How much time required for offshore company in Dubai ?
There are 5 to 7 working days require to set up an offshore company.
How to Register an offshore company in Dubai?
Finally it is time to set up an off shore Dubai. At this point let me tell you one more thing; or you can say one more point which you need to keep in mind. Which i think is a key point for all of the off shore Dubai clients; and also i think it will work to see the whole process of an off shore Dubai; and show all the thing in clear way; that is the easy way to setup an off shore Dubai is to get in touch with us. In the first place, you can use website live chat button. So that to start chats with an off shore set up specialist. Second way is that, you can Click Here to place a call back request.
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