New Product Launches in Dubai
Last updated on December 24, 2024
New Product Launches in Dubai: To launch a new product in UAE always starts with good timing. When a company wants to introduce a new product in the market. They always wait for the good time and proper packaging of the new brands in UAE. Otherwise the outcome will be a failure. Sometimes it is good to delay the launch of a new product as it can create good result. You need to understand the following two questions. Which will at the end of the day help you in raising the right timeline for new launch in UAE.
“Do my new brands in UAE do what is requires in the market?” Assess if the product is meeting all the demands that are exist in the market; or there is need to spend more time in its growth process.
For lunching new brands in UAE Do I have a professional team in place?” Evaluate the tool that is behind the product. Ask yourself that “Do I have my marketing materials packaging and back-end systems; in order, and have I developed plan for meeting metrics and feedback?”
If the answer to any of the above is no, then delaying the launching of new brands in UAE; until you have yes for all the answers. Releasing the mysteries of the product occasionally can be a successful approach to build up expectancy. Stay away from binding yourself to a specific time or date unless you are quite sure that you will be able to do it.
Brand launch in Dubai
Brands are stand as important goods in market where the situation is dynamic. Brands are well thought out as displays to measure the success of the company in the market. This also helps the brands to be place in the emergent markets; so that to have key leadership positions. There are several activities involve in order to structure strong brand launch in Dubai.
These actions are consist of rising suitable position, character; identity (brand’s name, logo, symbols, images etc.), and culture of the brand which serves as the social guardian of the brand; so that it can be brought successfully to the client. This strategy will give good results as it remains true the brand philosophy; including its culture and is solely dependent on objective to deliver the best to the customer.
Procedure for New Product launches in Dubai

The first step in New product registration in Dubai is that you must have a company. There are already a number of brands operating in Dubai. Which include many local and foreign brands while most of them are international brands as well. So it means that any New product launches in Dubai; will have to compete against already establish brands in the country. Along with new brands that are entering the market every year. So, keep this in mind that a New product launches in Dubai is not only a profitable opportunity. But it also a challenge where only a high class product available; also in a quite low price to take maximum advantage.
Before New product launches in Dubai, an important thing need to be check; that is the uniqueness of the name. It means that the new product launches in Dubai must not have register already in the country. In case of already register of the same product, you will not be certifies to launch the same brand in the market.
Once you confirm that your new product is not already launch in the market; then you can start the process of launching of a new product in Dubai. In this case, you have two options. You can either launch the product yourself or through a distributor. Inducting it yourself will save lot of money; but it is only practical if you are launching the product on a small scale. Distributor will not only make the work at ease for you but it can provide you more profit; by distributing your product in far flung areas which is otherwise difficult to achieve.
New product launches in Dubai
New product launches in Dubai is possible in both Dubai mainland and any of the free zones present in Dubai. Both these zone have their own rules as well as regulations. Generally, it is difficult to launch a product in Dubai main land if the company is register in a free zone.
If you want to launch product in Dubai mainland then the registration is possible through Dubai Municipality (DM). You have to provide required documents for registration process.
After completing the registration process, you can easily launch a new cosmetic brand in Dubai.
Course Objectives for New product launches in Dubai
- Effectively examine the consumer market
- Better expand and test new product / service ideas
- Develop insight into potential opportunity areas for product and services
- Build integrated communication briefs and strategies
- Develop and implement launch strategies and tactical plans
- Evaluate and solve problems after launch
- Develop brands that are the source of competitive advantage
- Generate and implement an innovation strategy
- Build a brand position and deliver on the brand promise
- Give brands personality and character that is value by customers
- Build customer relationships with well positioned brands
- Develop “Brand Culture” within your organization
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