Mainland Company Setup
Last updated on January 15, 2020

Mainland company formation in Dubai is a very challenging task. Because, mainland company setup require skill; and as well as knowledge of a market place. We as a consultant will assist you on all type of legal structure; and as well as activities allowed in these business structures. We can assist you to find the best business location; and also guidance for legal structure; as well as we will guide you to select a best license type suitable for your business.
Dubai is one of the most charming city in the world; that is for expat to set up their business. Mainland Company set up in a Dubai offers choice; and as well as benefits which are matchless by any other part of the world. After winning the Expo 20 20 mainland company formation in Dubai become more vital; that is for expat then other option of company setup. Because when you setup a company in mainland then you can do business in a local market. At this point let me tell you one more thing or you can say one more point; which i think is a key point for all of us; and also i think it will work to understand the whole case; and show all the thing in clear way; that is Dubai mainland company will give you a straight access to the local market.
Mainland company formation in Dubai
It this point let me tell you one very important thing; that is a local sponsor or a local service agent is requiring for mainland company setup in Dubai; an industrial license as well as a trading license require Local sponsor. Where he will hold maximum number of share, that is 51% of share; and the remaining only (49% share) are for an expat. While a local service agent is requiring for professional company set up; while in this type of company an expat will get 100% of the share.
If you are going to take our sponsor. That is, they will give you full power of doing business in your own style; and as well as they will not be involve in the operations or in profit sharing.
Authority for mainland company formation in Dubai
DED is the main regulatory authority for mainland company formation in Dubai. Also it is the main in charge body for issuing all kind of licenses; that is for Dubai mainland company formation. There for DED acts as a one window service center; that is for all kind of main land company setup in Dubai. Furthermore the process of a DED Main land company set up is quite different; as well as a complex one; that is with a little more documentation require to be sign. In short it is a challenging task; because not only you have to sign these documents, as well as your local sponsor or local partner. So in short you have to check the availability of the local.
If you are not sure about the legal type of your business; then it is always best to contact a business set up consultant; so that to talk on your requirement. They can give help you on choosing the best area for your business set up.
To set up business in Dubai main land; a verified office address is require from Dubai Municipality (DM). The office space requirement are vary from time to time depend on the type of a license. So it is the duty of an investor to ensure a valid tenancy contract for an office; that is to make it available at the time of applying for the license.
Procedure for business setup in Dubai mainland
There are 6 main steps involve in business setup in Dubai mainland. But there are some activities which require special approval; that is from some specific department. There for extra steps are require for those type of activities. Following are the most common steps involve for mainland company formation in Dubai.
- Name approval and business activity selection
- Selection of Local Partner or Service Agent
- Apply for Initial approval
- Preparation of Court Notarization and MOA
- Get Office space and tenancy contract
- Final submission
Advantages of mainland company setup in Dubai
- Mainland company setup in Dubai has no currency restrictions
- In mainland company setup you can drive your company from any part of UAE
- Mainland company formation in Dubai has no yearly auditing requirements
- Mainland company setup in Dubai has flexibility to rent office anywhere
- Wide range of license types as well as activities.
- Allow to conduct business in Dubai mainland
- At this point let me tell you one more benefit; That is 0% corporate tax as well as 0% Personal income tax.
- 100% repatriation of capital as well as profits
- It require 0 capital. I think this is the main point about main land set up.
- Mainland company Formation has no limits to get employment visas. Due to this what expat love about main land company set up.
- Choice of office locations across Dubai
- Stable local authority and Simple set up process.
- Hassle free legal procedures to seek license and registration
- Free trade zone visa as well as license costs are cheaper; as compares to the mainland; but it restrict you to work within free zone only. But with a mainland license, you can have local clients as well as global clients.
- Only practical option for many types of business.
- You can open your office anywhere in UAE.
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